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Adobe Dreamweaver : Mastering the Essentials

Course Overview

In this course, students will use the advanced features of Dreamweaver to design and develop professional-looking websites.



 Who Should Attend

This course is designed for students who not only use Adobe Dreamweaver to design and develop webpages in a WYSIWYG environment, but also have the ability to understand and work with the architecture and coding of web pages. Students are those in small companies or departments within large companies who use web technologies for electronic communication.


Adobe Dreamweaver : Mastering the Essentials – 3 Days Schedule

Day 1

09.00am – 10.00am

Customizing Your Workspace

  • Touring the workspace
  • Switching and splitting views
  • Working with panels
  • Selecting a workspace layout
  • Adjusting toolbars
  • Personalizing preferences
  • Creating custom keyboard shortcuts
  • Using the Property inspector
10.00am – 10.30am


10.30am – 12.45pm

HTML Basics

  • What is HTML?
  • Where did HTML begin?
  • Writing your own HTML code
  • Frequently used HTML 4 codes
  • Where Is HTML Going?

CSS Basics

  • What is CSS?
  • HTML vs. CSS formatting
  • CSS box model
  • HTML defaults
  • Formatting text
  • Formatting objects
  • Multiples, classes, and IDs, oh my!

12.45pm – 02.15pm


02.15pm – 05.00pm

Getting a Quick Start                        

  • Defining a Dreamweaver site
  • Using the Welcome screen
  • Selecting a CSS layout
  • Saving a page
  • Modifying the page title
  • Changing headings
  • Inserting text
  • Inserting images
  • Selecting and modifying CSS styles
  • Adjusting text fonts, colors, and sizes
  • Using the Property inspector
  • Previewing a page in Live view
  • Previewing pages in a browser

Day 2

09.00am – 10.00am

Creating a Page Layout

  • Web design basics
  • Working with thumbnails and wireframes
  • Previewing your completed file
  • Modifying an existing CSS layout
  • Adding a background image to the header
  • Inserting new <div> components
  • Modifying the page width and background color
  • Modifying existing content and formatting
  • Inserting an image placeholder
  • Inserting placeholder text
  • Modifying the footer
  • Checking browser compatibility

10.00am – 10.30am


10.30am – 12.45pm

Working with Cascading Style Sheets

  • Previewing a completed file
  • Working with the CSS Styles panel
  • Creating new CSS rules
  • Creating an interactive menu
  • Modifying hyperlink behavior
  • Creating faux columns
  • Moving rules to an external style sheet
  • Creating style sheets for other media types

Working with Templates

  • Previewing completed files
  • Creating a template from an existing layout
  • Inserting editable regions
  • Producing child pages
  • Updating a template
  • Using Library items
  • Using server-side includes

12.45pm – 02.15pm


02.15pm – 05.00pm

Working with Text, Lists, and Tables

  • Previewing a completed file
  • Importing text
  • Creating headings
  • Creating lists
  • Creating text indents
  • Creating and styling tables
  • Spell checking web pages
  • Finding and replacing text

Working with Images

  • Reviewing web image basics
  • Previewing the completed file
  • Inserting an image
  • Adjusting image positions with CSS classes
  • Working with the Insert panel
  • Using Adobe Bridge
  • Inserting incompatible file types
  • Working with Photoshop Smart Objects
  • Copying and pasting images from Fireworks and Photoshop
  • Inserting images by drag and drop
  • Optimizing images with the Property inspector

Day 3

09.00am – 10.00am

Working with Navigation

  • Hyperlink basics
  • Previewing your completed file
  • Creating internal hyperlinks
  • Creating an image-based link
  • Creating an external link
  • Setting up e-mail links
  • Targeting page elements
  • Inserting Spry menu bars
  • Inserting Spry menus as Library items
  • Checking your page

10.00am – 10.30am


10.30am – 12.45pm

Adding Interactivity

  • Learning about Dreamweaver behaviors
  • Previewing a completed file
  • Working with Dreamweaver behaviors
  • Working with Spry Accordion widgets

Working with Flash

  • Understanding Flash
  • Previewing a completed file
  • Adding Flash animation to a page
  • Adding an FLV file to a page

Working with Forms

  • Previewing a completed file
  • Learning about forms
  • Adding a form to a page
  • Inserting text form elements
  • Inserting checkboxes
  • Creating radio buttons
  • Working with lists
  • Adding a submit button
  • Specifying a form action
  • Emailing form data
  • Styling forms

12.45pm – 02.15pm


02.15pm – 05.00pm

Building Dynamic Pages with Data

  • Building pages with ASP, ColdFusion, or PHP
  • Creating a master/detail page set
  • Creating a detail page

Working with Code

  • Code tools overview
  • Selecting code
  • Collapsing code
  • Expanding code
  • Adding new code
  • Using Code Navigator
  • Accessing Live Code
  • Using Inspect mode
  • Working in related files
  • Accessing Split Code view
  • Commenting your code

Publishing to the Web

  • Defining a remote site
  • Cloaking folders and files
  • Wrapping things up
  • Putting your site online
  • Synchronizing local and remote sites