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Research Publications Print E-mail

Most of our research and publication are undertaken in collaboration with universities and research institutions, which ensures its relevance and application to states-of-the-art of the problems. We've compiled a variety of research articles and book chapters that highlight many of our current research initiatives. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the items listed, please contact us.

1) Using Agents to Improve the Usability of the PSP Automated Tool
Nasir, M.H.N.M., Hamid, S.S., Nor, M.K.M., Kasirun, Z.M., & Othman, M.K.
Type : Journal Articles 2011

Various tools have been produced to assist personal software process (PSP) practitioners in implementing their processes, which require strong discipline from the individual software engineer. Nevertheless, most of the currently available tools still require software engineers to become involved in time-consuming manual processes and offer limited assistance. This research study presents the substantial potential for software agents to be incorporated into PSP automated tools by introducing four new agent-based features. These features are the proactive interface agent, an integrated Gantt chart with sensor-based scheduling, prediction ability and indirect management through multi-agent deployment. This agent has the additional features of flexibility and privacy. Integrated with the proactive assistant, the proposed tools are capable of collecting and processing accurate PSP data metrics and translating them into informative and meaningful information for both the software engineer and the project manager. The use of agents demonstrated in this paper is meant to significantly help engineers to practice all of the PSP processes effectively and in a timely manner and to get feedback on their performance with a visualisation platform at any time.
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2) Managing Software Projects with Team Software Process (TSP)
Hamid, S.S., Nasir, M.H.N.M., Sahibuddin, S., Nor, M.K.M.,& Massatu, M.H.
Type : Book Chapter 2011

Despite the widespread use of sound project management practices and process improvement models over the last several years, the failure of software projects remains a challenge to organisations. As part of the attempt to address software industry challenges, several models, frameworks, and methods have been developed that are intended to improve software processes to produce quality software on time, under budget, and in accordance with previously stipulated functionalities. One of the most widely practised methods is the Team Software Process (TSP). The TSP was designed to provide an operational framework for establishing an effective team environment and guiding engineering teams in their work. This chapter provides an overview of the TSP and its associated structures and processes. It also high-lights how the TSP operational framework can assist project manager and software development team to deliver successful projects by controlling and minimizing the most common software failure factors. Comparative analysis between the TSP and conventional project management has also been presented. Additionally, the results of TSP implementation in industrial settings are highlighted with particular reference to scheduling, quality, and productivity. The last section indicates additional advantages of TSP and comments on the future of TSP in the global software development project.
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3) Implementation of the Personal Software Process in Academic Settings and Current Support Tools
Nasir, M.H.N.M., Alias, N.A., Fauzi, S.S.M.,& Massatu, M.H.
Type : Book Chapter 2011

The Personal Software Process (PSP) is a structured software development framework that includes de-finedoperations, measurements, and analysis techniques designed to help software engineers understand and build on their personal skills and improve their performance. The PSP provides a definedpersonal process, guides software engineers in collecting and recording data, and definesways to analyse data and make process improvements. This chapter reviews the previous literature on the implementation of the PSP in academic settings. Lessons learned from PSP implementations are then highlighted. We found that there were mixed outcomes due to several issues that later become a barrier to the adoption of the PSP. Several tools have been developed to overcome these barriers and constitute a helping hand for both students and engineers in adopting the PSP.
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